My Favorite Mid-Autumn Festival 最喜欢的中秋节


My Favorite Mid-Autumn Festival 最喜欢的中秋节

Mid-Autumn Festival is my favorite traditional Chinese holiday. 中秋节是我最喜欢的中国传统节日。

During this special time, families gather together to celebrate the full moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes. 在这个特别的时刻,家人聚在一起庆祝满月,品尝美味的月饼。

I love the festive atmosphere and the bright lanterns that light up the night sky. 我喜欢节日的氛围和明亮的灯笼,它们点亮了夜空。

One of the most exciting parts of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the traditional lion dance. 中秋节最令人兴奋的部分之一是传统的舞狮表演。

The colorful lions move gracefully to the beat of the drums, bringing joy and laughter to everyone. 多彩的舞狮优雅地随着鼓声移动,给每个人带来欢乐和笑声。

I also enjoy writing my wishes on lanterns and releasing them into the sky, believing that they will come true. 我还喜欢在灯笼上写下我的愿望,然后放飞它们,相信它们会实现。

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for expressing gratitude and love to our family and friends. 中秋节是表达对家人和朋友感激和爱意的时刻。

It is a time to cherish the precious moments spent together and create beautiful memories. 这是珍惜在一起度过的宝贵时光,创造美好回忆的时刻。

I eagerly await the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival each year and look forward to making it a joyful and unforgettable experience. 我每年都迫不及待地等待中秋节的到来,期待着将其变成一个愉快且难忘的时光。

My Favorite Mid-Autumn Festival 最喜欢的中秋节


Making Lanterns for Mid-Autumn Festival 制作花灯迎中秋

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, my family and I like to make lanterns to celebrate the special occasion. 在中秋节这个特别的日子里,我和家人喜欢制作花灯来庆祝。

First, we gather all the materials needed for making lanterns. 首先,我们准备制作花灯所需的所有材料。

We use colored paper, glue, scissors, and some wire to create our beautiful lanterns. 我们用彩色纸、胶水、剪刀和一些铁丝来制作我们美丽的花灯。

Next, we carefully cut the colored paper into different shapes, such as stars, flowers, and animals. 接下来,我们小心翼翼地把彩色纸剪成不同的形状,如星星、花朵和动物。

Then, we use the glue to stick the shapes onto the lantern frame made from wire. 然后,我们用胶水把这些形状粘贴在由铁丝制成的花灯骨架上。

We also add some glitter and decorations to make our lanterns sparkle and look even more beautiful. 我们还加入了一些闪闪发光的装饰,让花灯闪耀夺目,更加美丽。

After we finish making the lanterns, we hang them outside our home or in the garden. 制作花灯完成后,我们把它们挂在家外或花园里。

At night, we light up the candles inside the lanterns, and they glow with a warm and magical light. 晚上,我们点亮花灯内的蜡烛,它们散发出温暖而神奇的光芒。

It’s a sight to behold as we admire the lanterns and the bright full moon in the sky. 我们欣赏着花灯和天空中明亮的圆月,真是美不胜收。

Making lanterns for Mid-Autumn Festival is not only fun, but it also allows us to appreciate the beauty of this special festival. 为中秋节制作花灯不仅有趣,而且让我们能够欣赏到这个特殊节日的美丽。

It’s a wonderful way to celebrate with our family and friends, and it brings us all closer together. 这是一个与家人和朋友一起庆祝的美好方式,它让我们更加亲近。

上一篇 2023年7月29日 上午10:29
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