别了,童年 Goodbye, Childhood


Goodbye, Childhood (别了,童年)

The gentle lullabies and comforting cradle are distant memories now, replaced by the sounds of life’s hustle and bustle. (温柔的摇篮曲和舒适的摇篮现在都已成为遥远的记忆,被生活的喧嚣声所取代。)

I remember the days when joy was found in the simplest of things: a colorful balloon, a paper plane, or a game of hide and seek. (我记得那些日子,快乐来自最简单的事物:一个彩色的气球,一架纸飞机,或者一个捉迷藏的游戏。)

Back then, our world was small, but our dreams were vast and boundless. (那时,我们的世界很小,但我们的梦想却是宏大而无边的。)

With scraped knees and ink-stained fingers, we ventured forth, curious and fearless. (我们带着擦伤的膝盖和沾满墨水的手指,好奇而无畏地踏上了探险之旅。)

But time, like a river, flows relentlessly, and with it, my innocent days of childhood were washed away. (但是时间就像一条河,不停地流淌,随着它,我的童年时光被冲刷得无影无踪。)

Today, I stand on the threshold of adulthood, with its responsibilities and challenges beckoning. (今天,我站在成年的门槛上,它的责任和挑战在召唤我。)

Childhood, with its pure joys and naive dreams, seems almost like a fleeting shadow. (童年,那些纯真的快乐和天真的梦想,似乎就像一个短暂的影子。)

Yet, as I bid it farewell, I carry its lessons and memories, for they are the foundation upon which my future will be built. (然而,当我向它告别时,我带走了它的教诲和记忆,因为它们是我未来将要建立的基石。)

Goodbye, childhood, and thank you for the wonder you brought into my life. (再见了,童年,谢谢你为我的生活带来的奇迹。)

上一篇 2023年9月19日 下午1:44
下一篇 2023年9月19日 下午2:26
