
How to Build Confidence

Building confidence is a long process, but it is definitely worth it. Here are some methods to build confidence.
1. Accept yourself
Firstly, you need to accept your flaws and strengths. You are a unique individual, no one is perfect. Accepting yourself means understanding yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Change the way you think
If you always think negatively, then you will become lacking in confidence. You need to change the way you think, look at things positively, and believe in yourself.
3. Record your achievements
You need to record your achievements, big or small. This will help you see your progress, and thus boost your confidence.
4. Do what you fear
If you always avoid what you fear, then you will never build confidence. Instead, you need to challenge yourself, try new things, and this will help you overcome fear and insecurity.
5. Practice
Finally, practice is key to building confidence. Whether you are learning a new skill, or facing a challenge, through practice you can become better. This will make you feel more confident and assured.
Building confidence is a long process, but through methods such as accepting yourself, changing your thinking, recording achievements, challenging yourself, and practicing, you can gradually build it up.


1. 接受自己
2. 改变你的思维方式
3. 记录你的成就
4. 做你害怕的事情
5. 练习

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