祈使句,and / or + 陈述句

祈使句,and / or + 陈述句

祈使句,and / or + 陈述句

祈使句结合 “and” 或 “or” 与陈述句的用法通常用于表达建议、要求、或指示两种或更多不同的行动。以下是例子,以及它们的中文翻译:

  1. Example: “Clean your room and finish your homework before going out.”

    Translation: “出去前,请收拾你的房间并完成作业。”

  2. Example: “Wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom.”

    Translation: “吃饭前和上完厕所后,请洗手。”

  3. Example: “Study hard for your exams or you won’t do well.”

    Translation: “努力备考,否则你成绩不会好。”

  4. Example: “Be on time and bring your ID card to the meeting.”

    Translation: “会议要准时参加,并带上你的身份证。”

  5. Example: “Finish your chores and then you can watch TV.”

    Translation: “完成家务后,你可以看电视。”




1. 祈使句,and + 陈述句

Go at once, and you will catch up with them. 快去,那样你就会赶上他们。

Stick to your principles, and you will win through. 坚持你的原则,就会胜利。

Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. 把这个和那个比较一下,你就可以看出哪个比较好了。

Try and exclude draughts from the room, and you will save money on your heating bills. 不让过堂风吹进房间,那就可以省一些暖气费。

2. 祈使句,or + 陈述句

Drop that gun, or I’ll shoot you. 放下枪,不然我就打死你。

Make haste, or we’ll miss the bus. 赶快,否则我们赶不上汽车了。

Turn your radio down, or you’ll wake the neighbours. 把收音机的声音调小些,不然会把邻居吵醒。

Be back before ten, or you’ll be locked out. 你必须在10点钟以前回来,否则就要被关在外面。



1. 考查祈使句句首的动词形式(用原形)。如:

______ to the left and walk straight ahead, and you will find the grocer’s.

A. To turn B. Turn C. Turned D. Turning


2. 考查连词and与or的选择与辨析(看前后意思或逻辑是否一致)。如:

(1) Figure the result to yourself, ______ you’ll see what I mean.

A. and B. so C. but D. or


(2) Don’t try anything on with me, kid, ______ you’ll be sorry.

A. and B. so C. but D. or


3. 考查陈述句的谓语时态

(1) Put this cloth alongside real silk, and you ______ at once see the difference.

A. will B. do C. should D. are


(2) Work hard, or you won’t be able to finish the work ahead of time.

A. aren’t B. weren’t C. can’t be D. won’t be


上一篇 2023年8月21日 下午5:25
下一篇 2023年8月22日 上午9:19
